Proofreading (checking punctuation, spelling, and grammar)
$0.005-0.01 USD per word (minimum $10)
Line Editing (proofreading plus checking for consistency, best word choice, sentence structure, consistent verb tense, appropriate paragraph and sentence length, clichés, unnecessary modifiers, repeated words and phrases, point of view issues)
$0.01-0.04 USD per word (minimum $15)
Content Editing (checking for text organization, transitions, readability, style issues, language fit to audience, development of ideas, paragraph and chapter arrangement, section headers, focus, identification of missing source information, verification of Bible text and references of quoted scriptures) (in-depth look at point of view) (does not include proofreading or line editing)
$0.015-0.05 USD per word (minimum $20)
Comprehensive Editing (proofreading, line editing, and content editing)
$0.02-0.08 USD per word (minimum $25)
Editing on Retainer
Need an editor on a regular basis? Consider hiring me on retainer. For a minimum of $100 USD per month, you will receive a 10% discount off my regular prices.
General Information
FREE one-page/25% of total (max. 500 words) example available to all new clients.
Please note: Steph does not do academic editing.
Contact Steph at stephbethnickel@gmail.com for further information.
Writers benefit from an objective review of their work before they hire an editor.
Do you want to make your writing better: more approachable, more informative, more gripping?
1-50,000 words (0.6 cents USD per word) (minimum $10 USD)
(i.e.: $150 for 25,000 words)
50,001+ words (0.5 cents USD per word) (minimum $250 USD)
(i.e.: $250 for 50,001 words)
Free Sample Critique – 25% or 2,000 words of your work, whichever is LESS
(Only available for your first project.)
Email me at stephbethnickelediting@gmail.com to get Canadian pricing.